Adalo - Collections API Having Intermittent Errors Due to Heroku Issue – Детали инцидента

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Collections API Having Intermittent Errors Due to Heroku Issue

Частичная недоступность
Началось почти 4 года назаддлился 1 минута


API коллекций

Частичная недоступность от 12:23 AM до 12:24 AM

  • Решено

    Heroku fixed the issue and our collections API is now back up and running!

  • Изучается

    Accessing your Adalo App's API Documentation, Generating Your API, or using the Collections API are all reporting intermittent issues — returning back a 502 error. We believe this is due to an issue with Heroku. Here's the particular issue: We'll keep you posted when Heroku resolves the issue and we can verify that our Collections API is back to normal.