Adalo - История уведомлений

Все системы работают

API коллекций - Работает

100% - время безотказной работы
янв. 2022 · 100.0%фев. · 99.79%мар. · 99.98%
янв. 2022
фев. 2022
мар. 2022

App Analytics - Работает

100% - время безотказной работы
янв. 2022 · 100.0%фев. · 99.74%мар. · 100.0%
янв. 2022
фев. 2022
мар. 2022

История уведомлений

мар. 2022

Some components aren't accessible
  • Решено

    We have identified this error to be the regression of a recent deployment, which has been reversed. This issue is now resolved.

    If you see any ongoing issues that appear related to this, please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further!

  • Изучается

    We are currently investigating this incident.

Editor - Frontend
  • Решено

    We have resolved this incident.

    If you see any ongoing issues that appear related to this, please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further!

  • Определено

    The team has identified the cause and a fix should be released soon!

  • Изучается

    We are currently investigating an issue that is causing the Editor to crash when attempting to make any edits.

фев. 2022

янв. 2022

янв. 2022 до мар. 2022
