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Published Apps
集合API - 运行正常
App Analytics - 运行正常
嘿伙计们,好消息! Heroku 上游 DNS 提供商的问题已得到解决,现已可用。对于该问题给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,并感谢您在我们努力解决该问题期间的耐心等待。
Heroku 遇到中断,这可能会导致某些自定义域无法正确连接。我们的团队已意识到该问题,并正在对其进行监控,以了解 Adalo 是否需要采取任何措施。对于给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,并将在有更新时提供更新。
Published Apps - Collections is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.
Published Apps - Collections cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.
App Analytics is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.
App Analytics cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.
Published Apps - Notifications is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.
Published Apps - Notifications cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.
Collections API is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.
Collections API cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.
This incident has been resolved.
If you see any ongoing issues that appear related to this, please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further.
We are currently investigating an issue with our package registry causing higher than normal rates of failure on builds.
We will update as we get more information.
10月 2023 至 12月 2023