Adalo - 历史记录


集合API - 运行正常

100% - 正常运行时间
8月 2021 · 99.52%9月 · 100.0%10月 · 100.0%
8月 2021
9月 2021
10月 2021

App Analytics - 运行正常

100% - 正常运行时间
8月 2021 · 100.0%9月 · 99.92%10月 · 100.0%
8月 2021
9月 2021
10月 2021


10月 2021

Some Android build times are longer than usual. Some timing out and faling.
  • 已解决

    The Android queue has returned to a normal place, and we are seeing very little to no wait time with new builds published.

    If you see any continued issues related to this, please submit a support ticket.

  • 持续监控中

    We have implemented the fix and are monitoring the build queue. We are already seeing the number of apps in the queue reducing and expect to be at nearly zero wait time for new builds in ~2 hours or less.

  • 已确认问题

    We have Identified a fix to reduce Android app build times, specifically for larger apps, and decrease the Android build queue wait times on an ongoing basis.

    We will update once this is deployed and as we see queues and times returning to a better state.

  • 调查中

    We are currently investigating an issue with some Android builds taking longer than usual to build, causing them to time out and fail and an increased Android build queue wait.

    We will update here as we have more info!

9月 2021

8月 2021

Calendar Component errors when building on Android and iOS
  • 已解决

    We have deployed a fix that is working for iOS and Android builds with the Calendar component. We will continue to monitor the build queues, but we are seeing no continued instances of the previous errors regarding the Calendar component.

  • 更新

    We are working on a possible local fix that would not be dependent on the root issue to be solved to get these builds working again. We will update as we are able to implement this and test the fix.

  • 调查中

    We are currently experiencing some iOS and Android builds failing due to an error being investigated in the React native calendar component.

    We are monitoring the incident, and will provide updates as we see movement, and are able to test that the issue is solved for us.

    This affects your build if you are using the Adalo Calendar component in your app. Existing builds are not affected by this.

    Reported issue

All iOS Builds are currently failing.
  • 已解决

    We restarted all failed iOS builds from the timeframe the error was present, and are seeing these builds succeeding.

    If you are still having errors with your iOS build, and the error message is not related to a set up error in your app, please Submit a Support Ticket.

  • 持续监控中

    We found an issue with a dependency in our build servers after a recent update. We upgraded the server dependency and are seeing builds succeed again. We will continue monitoring the servers, and will provide any additional updates if there are continued errors, or we are satisfied the incident is resolved!

  • 已确认问题

    We have identified what we believe to be the cause of the issue and are working on a fix. We will provide more information as we determine if the fix is working.

  • 调查中

    We are currently investigating a problem with our iOS build servers. Currently no iOS builds are completing, so please hold on submitting iOS builds. We will provide updates as soon as we have more information.

8月 2021 10月 2021
